Cayenne Pepper - Health benefits

The Cayenne pepper is believed to come from Cayenne, French Guiana originally, but it grows around the world in other places such as North and South America, India, East Africa, Mexico. It’s known by many nicknames such as “the Guinea spice,” “cow-horn pepper,” “red hot chili pepper,” “aleva,” “bird pepper,” and simply “red pepper.” 

This thin, red pepper adds a touch of heat to food, and is known as a staple ingredient in many international cuisines, but it’s also an important ingredient in many health supplements, and it provides some significant medicinal benefits.

How Long Has Cayenne Pepper Been Used as a Cure?

It’s believed that Native Americans have been using Cayenne pepper as a medicine for at least 9,000 years, for an array of ailments such as stomach aches, cramping, gas, and circulatory system disorders. It’s even said to have been brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus in the fifteenth century. 

The Most Multipurpose Medicinal Pepper

Cayenne pepper offers a wide variety of health benefits. Its anti-irritant properties make it effective at relieving the painful symptoms of ulcers, sore throats, coughs, and upset stomachs. Its decongestant properties make it great for relieving cold and flu symptoms. Its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties make it a great option for preventing food contamination. Research even suggests that, when added to one’s diet, it can speed up the metabolism and aid in weight loss.

The Science Behind Cayenne’s Pain Reducing Properties

When applied topically, Cayenne pepper is effective at relieving arthritis, fibromyalgia, and nerve pain. The initial burning sensation caused by Cayenne pepper applications quickly “exhausts” the nerve cells, causing the affected area to be less sensitive to pain. This happens because Capsaicin, an active component in the Cayenne pepper, depletes the body’s supply of Substance P. To put it simply, Substance P is a neurotransmitter that tells the brain when one is in pain. If Capsaicin reduces the amount of Substance P in the body, and therefore reduces the number of signals traveling to the brain, the amount of pain recognized or felt is less. 

Patches containing high concentrations of Capsaicin  have even been found to produce effective pain relief for up to 12 weeks in patients with neuropathic pain.

A Truly Versatile Health Food 

In addition, Capsaicin also helps to reduce itching caused by skin conditions like psoriasis. It can help with digestion and stomach issues, protect against infection, and reduce high blood pressure. Amazingly, some studies have even found that Capsaicin can slow cancer cell growth, and may even kill certain types of cancer cells such as skin and pancreatic.

Whether you’re eating it or using it for pain management, Cayenne pepper is a wonderfully multipurpose fruit with a plethora of healthy qualities. However, reaping all of their positive benefits is a little more complicated than sprinkling dried pepper on the occasional meal. 

Dr. Khalili and his team of chemists spent the last 20 years researching the most effective natural remedies for alleviating pain in his patients, which is why Cayenne pepper is included in his KhaliliTM Natural Pain Relief Cream. It’s a powerful ingredient that really packs a pain-killing punch in this vegan topical cream. 

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Kevin Khalili