Ginger - Health benefits

If you’ve ever used Ginger to settle an upset stomach, then you know that it’s just as effective as it is tasty! Edible Ginger is the fat, knobby, aromatic rhizome of a tender herbaceous perennial plant that has been used since ancient times as both a culinary spice and a medicine. In fact, the ancient Greeks used to eat Ginger wrapped in bread to treat digestive problems. They also discovered that it could be mixed with traditional honey cake recipes to make delicious gingerbread!

Although there’s some debate about where Ginger first originated, its known history of medicinal and spiritual uses were first documented in India, Southeast Asia, and China over 5000 years ago.

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Gingerol: Spicy and Healing

Ginger is a natural antioxidant and has powerful anti-inflammatory effects when ingested or applied topically. Raw Ginger contains a chemical compound known as gingerol, which gives Ginger its spicy flavor. While scientists are still studying gingerol’s anti-inflammatory properties, they believe that it prevents the formation of prostaglandin and leukotriene; molecules which play an important role in regulating inflammation.

In addition, Gingerol has anti-cancer properties, and some studies suggest that large amounts of raw Ginger may be effective against several cancers, including pancreatic, liver, colon, breast, and ovarian cancers. It may help reduce oxidative stress from having an excess of free radicals in the body as well.

Decreasing Infections and Viruses with Ginger

Ginger can help lower the risk of infections and hinder the growth of many types of bacteria. A 2008 study found it’s very effective against the bacteria that causes the inflammatory gum diseases gingivitis and periodontitis. 

Ginger really is a miracle ingredient, and fresh Ginger may be effective against common respiratory infections. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties make it a wonderful tool for treating colds, nausea, migraines, and hypertension. It may also have powerful anti-diabetic properties; lowering blood sugar levels and improving various heart disease risk factors in people with type 2 diabetes. It also helps with chronic indigestion and related stomach discomfort.

Preventing Cognitive Decline and Disease

Oxidative stress and chronic inflammation are key drivers of Alzheimer’s disease and age-related cognitive decline. Ginger is believed to improve brain function and protect against Alzheimer’s disease. Some animal studies suggest that the antioxidants and bioactive compounds in Ginger can stop inflammatory responses that occur in the brain, and help enhance brain function directly; actually improving one’s memory and reaction times.  

A Long Time Pain Reliever

The best part is that Ginger has been used for centuries for pain relief, and is effective to use against menstrual cramps, muscle fatigue and soreness, and arthritis. A 2013 study of sixty female athletes found that daily doses of powdered Ginger reduced muscle soreness that resulted from their training. An earlier study found that Ginger extract had a statistically significant effect on reducing symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee.

The indisputable evidence of Ginger’s wonderful health benefits and healing properties make it essential for improved wellness. Ginger’s natural potency, great smell, and long history in medicine make it an important ingredient in KhaliliTM Natural Pain Relief Cream.

Kevin Khalili